June 15, 2021
Veronica Hannon
The world today is very different from the world it was a year ago. Between February and April 2020, 3.3 million or 22% of businesses in the US had temporarily closed or ceased trading. Do you think that marketing can ensure that a business survives - and thrives - during a time of global crisis?
In this webinar, originally hosted by Heywood House, Veronica Hannon unpacks some of the most innovative ways that businesses have responded to the ever-changing situation. Veronica also shares useful information that you can apply to your marketing strategy - in times of normality as well as crisis. Hit play to explore just how:
Marketing fits into a broader strategic approach to business.
To identify opportunities to diversify.
To look at short-term opportunities versus long-term positioning.
To communicate when people are worried or anxious.
To face the challenges around communicating success.
Something this year has given us, is one of the most undervalued things we could have - time. For many of us, once we’d got over that upheaval, we found ourselves with a small window of time to think and consider what exactly we needed to do to adapt our businesses for the new normal. When asking yourself, “Can we market ourself out of the Pandemic?” the answer is yes!, if you think strategically.
You can watch or listen to the webinar via the link below.
[insert video link]
We hope you find this video useful and will feel inspired and ready to evaluate your marketing strategy or try out a new idea. As always, do pick up the phone if you need help with your PR, marketing or communications. We are always happy to help.
Thank you to Heywood House for hosting this webinar. Be sure to find out more about their event programme here.
Feel free to share this blog post with anyone who may find it useful.